Ina Bacud is a Co-Storyteller for Life Builds and a Learning and Development Professional.
Co-Storytelling is about helping people describe #whatIS to open up possibilities for exciting #whatIFs. It is especially helpful for people who find themselves at a crossroads, want to manifest a vision, or are going through deep change. Life Builds helps people piece answers together through play and story-telling using LEGO® Serious Play®.
Ina has had 20 years of experience helping people in organizations go through transformation. While this was going on, she also had to take care of her Mama who was ill for 20+ years, or more than half her life. Times of deep change have presented her with opportunities to be kinder, bolder, and more human. She has been lucky to have mentors, coaches, family, and friends who helped her make sense of what she was going through. In the process, she found clarity that she was, and always will be, the hero of her own life story.
As a Co-Storyteller, she hopes that by creating safe spaces for people to tell their stories, they too shall find their hero within, deliberately choose their own adventures, and find healing and meaning in the stories of their lives.